Sri Guru Granth Sahib Department of Religious Studies

Sri Guru Granth Sahib Department of Religious Studies

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Sri Guru Granth Sahib Department of Religious Studies The establishment of faculty of Sri Guru Granth Sahib Studies and Sri Guru Granth Sahib department of Religious Studies Department at Sri Guru Granth Sahib World University was a unique and significant venture in the history of higher education in India as well as the world. The main objectives of the Dept. are to provide facilities for advanced research, understanding of world religions, systematic and scientific study through academic channels such as inter-religious dialogues, seminars, extension lectures and publication of books. Department gives impetus to the study of the world's religions, civilizations, eastern and western speculative thought and globalization as an ideology. The Department focuses on the study of Sikh religion as an academic discipline and the holy Scriptures from different perspectives to produce the source material for the scholars as well as to students working in the field of Sikh Studies.

;qh r[o{ rzqE ;kfjp Xow nfXn?B ftGkr :{Bhtof;Nh fty/ ;qh r[o{ rzqE ;kfjp Xow nfXn?B ftGkr dh ;Ekgsh okPNoh ns/ nzso^okPNoh gZXo *s/ T[u/oh ftZfdnk d/ fJfsjk; ftu fJe nfjw s/ ;koEe ekoi j?. fJ; ftGkr dk w{b wB'oE ftPt XowK dh ;{M s/ nrKjtX{ y'i B{z T[sPkfjs eoBk j?. fJ; wB'oE dh gqkgsh bJh ftGkr nzso^Xow ;ztkd, ekBcoz;K, ;?whBko, ftP/P b?euo, y'i gfsqektK s/ g[;seK d/ gqekPB fij/ nekdfwe T[gokb/ eodk j?. fJ; ftGkr ftu ftPt XowK, ;fGnksktK, g{oph s/ gZSwh f;oiBkswe ftukoXkok ns/ ftPtheoB nkfd d/ nekdfwe nfXn?B T[Zs/ I'o fdZsk iKdk j?. f;Zy nfXn?B d/ y/so ftu ekoiPhb y'ikoEhnK ns/ ftdtkBK bJh ;q's ;wZroh g?dk eoB fjs ftGkr B/ f;Zy Xow d/ nekdfwe nfXn?B d/ Bkb^Bkb ;qh r[o{ rzqE ;kfjp ih d/ pj[gZyh nfXn?B B{z th nkgDk e/Adoh ;o'eko pDkfJnk j?.

Departmental Activities

Sri Guru Granth Sahib Department of Religious Studies - Faculty
# Name Designation Qualification Area of Specialization Resume
Dr Jaspal Kaur Kaang Professor BA honours (Punjabi)Gold medalist,MA Mphil nd Ph.D(Punjabi)Medieval Punjabi literature with special reference to Gurbani, Major Aspects of Guru Granth Sahib Studies Sikh Studies, Sikh Scripture,Sikh Ethics
Dr. Hardev SinghAssistant Professor and HeadM.A. (Religious Studies), UGC-NET, M.Phil., PhD (Religious Studies) JRF-SRF (Punjabi University, Patiala Research Scholarship)Sikh Scripture and Literature, Philosophy of Sikhism, Christian Theology, Six Schools of Indian Philosophy
Dr. Kirandeep KaurAssistant ProfessorM.A. (Religious Studies, History) Ph.D. (Religious Studies), UGC-JRFGurbani and Sikh Religion
Dr. Palwinder KaurAssistant ProfessorPh.D, M.Phil, MA (Religious Studies& Punjabi), UGC-JRF (MANF) Sikh Philosophy & Exegesis
Dr. Ajay Pal SinghAssistant Professor M.A.(Comparative Studies Of Religions) B.Ed.(Economics and Punjabi) Ph.D (Sri Guru Granth Sahib Studies), UGC-NETGurbani Interpretation
Jasvir SinghAssistant ProfessorM.A. (Religious Studies) UGC-NET (Qualified)Gurbani & Sikhism
Sri Guru Granth Sahib Department of Religious Studies - Programs
Course Name Eligibility Duration Syllabus
M.A. Religious StudiesBachelor’s Degree with 50% marks in aggregate from a recognized University.2 Years
Ph.D. (Doctorate of Philosophy) - Religious StudiesAs per UGC Norms------
Sri Guru Granth Sahib Department of Religious Studies - Research
Number of Ph.D. students 8 In-Progress
Research Projects Details 0
Research Papers Published 65+